Princess + Dragon = Dragoness – A fairy tale?
This is the story of a little princess, who was raised by her loving parents, together with her sisters, in a very sheltered way. At the age of 15 the princess parents decided, that princess should learn how to dance and to behave and therefore sent her to a place called “dancing school”. There at the dancing school, princess learned to dance, to flirt, to accept herself and fell in love with knight No1.
I wish I could quit with the words… and they lived happily ever after…. But then you would say: now where’s the dragon? As a matter of fact, knight No1 was not half the knight he should be and slowly some dark beast inside princess awoke… the dragon. When someday knight No1 once again misbehaved against princess, the dragon arouse in a fierce way, shutting down princess in a deep cave inside itself…. Keeping poor little princess right behind the surface, so that she could see why knight No1 was not the knight she needed…. Time passed, and the dragon got tired, letting poor little princess back outside…. and laid itself to a sleep, but not for long, as knight No1 has found himself another princess, dragon rose again, keeping little princess safe inside, so that nothing would harm her.
I wish I could quit with the words… and they lived happily ever after…. But then you would say: now where’s the dragon? As a matter of fact, knight No1 was not half the knight he should be and slowly some dark beast inside princess awoke… the dragon. When someday knight No1 once again misbehaved against princess, the dragon arouse in a fierce way, shutting down princess in a deep cave inside itself…. Keeping poor little princess right behind the surface, so that she could see why knight No1 was not the knight she needed…. Time passed, and the dragon got tired, letting poor little princess back outside…. and laid itself to a sleep, but not for long, as knight No1 has found himself another princess, dragon rose again, keeping little princess safe inside, so that nothing would harm her.
starion - 16. Apr, 23:31
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